We are not currently hiring for the 2025 season. Please check back in the future!
Solid Ground Farm is a small diversified veggie farm in Kingston focusing on vegetable CSA, wholesale, and the Kingston farmers market. We use all organic practices on our 9 acres of production, and focus on producing high-quality produce for our members and customers. The farm is located in a picturesque valley in the Hurley Flats, backing up to the scenic Esopus Creek. Crew members can expect to be involved in all aspects of production and marketing, and will gain an in-depth perspective on small-scale sustainable agriculture.
Job Description
Day to day tasks will shift over the course of the season: you’ll be involved in greenhouse operations, planting and weeding, harvesting, post-harvest handling, deliveries, and more. You can expect to have a broad experience while also delving deeply into specific projects. Everyone (who wants it) will be trained on the tractors and have plenty of time to build tractor operating experience. We start each morning with a meeting to discuss plans for the day and go over new elements. Work will vary – mostly we work together as a whole team, but there are also solo and small-group tasks. We are happy to develop work that addresses specific areas of interest.
All full-time full-season crew members receive five paid days off per season (and are welcome to take additional days off, as needed). Part-time positions are proportionally equivalent. In general, work days are 8-9 hours per day, and the work week is Monday to Friday. You will not be required to work on weekends, although the possibility of farmers market work exists if you are interested. Our season runs through the first week of November.
For those interested, we’d love to bring someone on interested in a two-year commitment, with the employee’s managerial role expanding in the second year.
The ideal candidate has at least one season of farming experience, or equivalent experience in related work.
We are seeking crew members who are positive, self-motivated, curious, and driven to work efficiently, even through monotonous tasks and unpleasant weather. We work hard, have fun, and would love to have you join us.

These positions are an hourly position at a rate of $18-19/hour. Returning employees will receive an annual raise. You are also welcome to harvest veggies for personal use from the farm and receive a fruit CSA share from our fruit farm partner.
To apply, please email the following to [email protected]:
- Resume
- Cover letter that includes: why you want to work at Solid Ground Farm, your favorite past farming experiences, and what your future farming goals are
- Contact info for two work references
You can also email [email protected] or call (518) 528-9382 for more information.
This is a rolling application process – applicants will be accepted until the position is filled. Potential employees will be asked to interview in-person.
Solid Ground Farm does not discriminate against any employee or prospective employee, in hiring, wages, benefits, or any other capacity, on the basis of race, creed, color, national or ethnic origin, nationality, gender, gender identity, age, handicap or disability (including HIV status), union or political activity, immigration status, citizenship status, marital status, or sexual orientation.