We price shares on a tiered sliding scale system, where each member self-identifies where they are, roughly, on the spectrum of financial access. We’ve thought about this model for awhile, but we were inspired by and give credit to Rock Steady Farm for instituting this locally (and in turn credit their inspirations and collaborators: Underground Alchemy, Soul Fire Farm, Radherb, Third Root, and the Kula Center).
Our hope is that those who have a little more, can pay a bit more, and that those who aren’t in a position to give much more can stay closer to where our pricing had been in the past.
We also participate in the “CSA is a SNAP” program, administered by the Hudson Valley CSA Coalition. This program is open to those who want to pay for their CSA shares using SNAP/EBT. For program participants, the share price is subsidized to $16/week, and there is no need to pay a deposit upfront. (In other words, you just pay $16 each week at pick-up, using your EBT card.) Those interested in this program can register by emailing us ([email protected]) with your name, phone number, and preferred pick-up location, and we will send confirmation and pick-up details. You can also email or call (518-528-9382) with any questions.
Our 2025 pricing:
Tier 3 – $750 (7 point share) / $850 (9 point share)
Tier 2 – $700 (7 point share) / $800 (9 point share)
Tier 1 – $600 (7 point share) / $700 (9 point share)
We would like to offer the below sliding scale illustration, “The Green Bottle” to help assess where you might fit in these tiers. This existing tool isn’t perfect, but it’s useful. Please don’t stress too much about it — go with your gut and choose what feels right to you.
Ready to go? Click here to register
(Please note – our new sign-up system is through Google Forms – sign up through the form and we will send an invoice that you can pay at your convenience.)