Seedling Sale May 16-17
Showing 49–60 of 69 results

Seedling – Tomato, Great White
Big yellow-white fruits with mild flavor. The 12+ oz. fruit is meaty with few seeds, a mild non-acid flavor, and creamy texture. Medium-tall plants. Heirloom.

Seedling, Kale, Lacinato
One of the most tender kale varieties; ideal for raw kale salads and soups. Leaves are very dark blue-green and heavily savoyed, sweetening with each frost. Also known as Dinosaur or Tuscan kale.

Seedling, Kale, Red Russian
Stems are purple; leaves are flat, toothed, and dark green with purple veins. The plants mature medium-tall and leaves are tender compared to other kales. For salads and light cooking. NOTE: To extend storage life, dunk leaves in cold water post harvest.

Seedling – Tomato, Blue Beech
High-yielding heirloom paste tomato. This "sausage" type paste tomato produces large, 8–10 oz., elongated fruits that are easy to process into sauce. An excellent canning tomato, it also tastes great when eaten fresh. Attractive green shoulders give a distinct heirloom look. Fruits ripen during a concentrated period, allowing for a more efficient canning process. It is well-adapted to northern climates, and resists disease and blossom end rot better than others of its type. This strain of Blue Beech was originally brought to Vermont from Italy during WWII.

Seedling – Tomato, Green Zebra
Green-striped. A delicious, tangy salad tomato, ripe just as the green fruit develops a yellow blush, accentuating the darker green stripes. The 3–4 oz. fruits are the ideal size for slicing into wedges for salads. Productive over a long season.

Seedling – Cherry Tomato, Pink Bumblebee
Pink cherry streaked with gold. Excellent sweet flavor. Pink Bumble Bee is an alluring combination of light pinks, yellows and oranges and is great in a mix with the other Artisan varieties. 20-25 gm. fruits. Indeterminate.

Seedling, Brussels Sprouts, Dagan
Dependable midseason variety.
Perfect for "on the stalk" sprouts. Smooth, attractive, and holds very well in the field. Tall plants. Medium-large sprouts.

Seedling – Tomato, Amish Paste
A long-time favorite heirloom plum. Large for a sauce tomato, Amish Paste's slightly irregular plum-to strawberry shaped fruits avg. 8-12 oz. with excellent flavor. These meaty tomatoes are good in salads and great for processing. A Slow Food USA Ark of Taste variety. Indeterminate.

Seedling – Tomato, Purple Tomatillo
Rare purple tomatillo with exceptional appearance and excellent distinctive taste.
Much sweeter than the green types with superb flavor eaten fresh from the plant, grilled or in salsa. Deep violet skin color bleeds into bright green interior flesh. Harvest after the papery husk has split, when fruits are golf ball-sized and skin has turned purple.

Seedling – Tomato, Arbason
Reliable producer of large, high quality tomatoes with good flavor.
Harvest when fully ripe for best flavor; resists cracking. Prune to 4-5 fruits/cluster for larger fruit. From Vitalis Organic Seeds, the breeders of Buffalo.
- Indeterminate
- 7-9 oz

Seedling – Summer Squash, Zephyr
Distinctive, slender fruits are yellow with faint white stripes and light-green blossom ends. Harvest young at 4-6" for unusually delicious, nutty flavor and firm texture. Vigorous, high-yielding plants Edible Flowers: Blossoms bear a mild, squash-like flavor and are great stuffed and fried, or sliced for use in soups, omelets, salads, and pasta dishes. Hybrid.

Seedling – Summer Squash, Yellow Crookneck
This traditional variety is well known for its buttery flavor and firm texture. Big plants are late to begin bearing, but then yield consistently over a long picking period. Best picked small, 4-5" long. Larger fruits will have a bumpy appearance.